Technical and Research Reports
Last Updated on Tuesday, 06 December 2011
The Victorian Floods Review has examined the adequacy and efficacy of the state's arrangements for flood response and recovery, emergency warnings and evacuations in the context of the 2010–11 floods.
The Victorian Floods Review work included extensive consultation with members of flood-affected communities, emergency services agencies and related organisations, in addition to seeking advice and input from technical experts in relation to flood management.
The reports below were commissioned by the Victorian Floods Review. These reports can be downloaded as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. To read the PDF files below you may need to download Adobe reader.
Sinclair Knights Merz Pty Ltd - Review into the operation of storages during flooding (2Mb)
The Victorian Floods Review engaged Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd to examine the governance arrangements, operation of storages and the role of dam owners and operators in providing information to communities and the control agency during the flood events.
Molino Stewart Pty Ltd - Examination of the Total Flood Warning System in Victoria (2.5Mb)
The Victorian Floods Review engaged Molino Stewart Pty Ltd to undertake a detailed examination to determine the status of the total flood warning system within Victoria and to understand what is required to achieve best practice in a total flood warning system in the state.
Strahan Research Pty Ltd – Impact of 2010-2011 floods on affected communities - Residential (385Kb)
Strahan Research Pty Ltd – Impact of 2010-2011 floods on affected communities - Business (172Kb)
- The Victorian Floods Review commissioned Strahan Research Pty Ltd to conduct an extensive telephone survey of householders and business owners affected by the floods. The survey provided further insight from community members about their flood experiences and expectations concerning assistance and advice.